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Membership Info - Prospective Members
Prospective Scubanaut Member:

Welcome! This set of web pages contains information for prospective new members.  You will find a set of club by-laws which will tell you who we are, how we operate, and what we stand for. 

You can view, print, or download our brief application for membership. (Click here if you need to download Adobe's Acrobat PDF reader). To join, you'll need to fill this out and bring it to a meeting or else mail a signed, hard copy of the application to a club officer. (At this point, the requirement for a credible and legally binding signature on the liability release for participating in club dives prevents us from handling the whole application online).

If you would instead like a paper copy of the application, please send an EMail to any of the club officers or to the Webmaster. You'll receive an application form by return mail.

You'll need to consider the type of membership that will best fit your needs.  We offer two types of memberships: active and associate. 

Club dues for an Associate membership are $12.00 per year and are paid annually only; not pro-rated based on the date of membership. 

Dues for Active membership are are prorated the initial year as listed in the table below and thereafter paid annually in March.

We offer a family plan for Active membership for up to two certified divers and any family junior certified divers. Junior divers are not eligible to vote on any club matters. 

Pro-Rate Table of Active Membership First-Year Dues

Join Date



June - August $35.00 $70.00
September - November $26.25 $52.50
December - February $17.50 $35.00
March - May $8.75 $17.50

If you have decided to join us after reviewing this packet, please make a decision on what type of membership.  Scubanauts will need the completed questionnaire, application, dues, and a copy of your highest held certification card (front and back). These documents can be given to any of the officers. The dues are forwarded to the Treasurer, your vital information to the Secretary so you can receive a newsletter, and your application to the Vice President for acceptance.  Your application will then be presented at the next monthly meeting for approval by the membership.

Again, we welcome you!  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any of the officers who will be more then happy to help.

Happy and safe diving!

Scubanauts Board of Directors

Copyright (c) 1999-2019 Jacksonville Scubanauts, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
Last Updated 01/08/2019 10:25 pm EDT
Questions? Comments? Send E-mail to the Webmaster