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Aquarius Underwater Habitat Web cam - Aquarius, an underwater laboratory, is located at Conch Reef, 4 miles offshore in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. The underwater laboratory rests in a sand plain adjacent to deep coral reefs and is currently home to a team of 6 people. The image is refreshed every 15 seconds to a minute depending on activity at the site and connection speeds. Transmission of images and data from Aquarius is by a wireless network.
The Cyber Diver News Network - CDNN is the news division of iPlanet, a global publishing network powered by news bureaus in North America, Asia and Europe. They seem to have excellent dive and marine-related news coverage, international dive destination information, a very comprehensive dive gear recall list, and more. iPlanet claims to be the world's largest scuba publishing network with 30 scuba publications in English and Japanese.

Fishbase.org - A very nice site specializing in fish ID information. Supports many languages and provides photos, quizzes, related teaching instruction, etc.

Claims to have information on over 29,000 species and over 76,000 name synonyms. Also has a very nice search engine supporting searches by both common name and scientific names..

Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department - Image gallery, biological profiles, shark information. tropical research, fish and shark meeting and conference news, and a wealth of other related information. There's also a section just for kids to introduce them to marine-related subjects. There are also links to the International Shark Attack File with related maps, graphs, statistics, and recommendations.

Ocean Portal - This site, an effort of IOC and UNESCO, Portal is a high-level directory of ocean data and related web sites. Its objective is to help scientists and other ocean experts in locating such data & information. chart.

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Last Updated 01/08/2019 10:25 pm EDT
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